I think baby has found a "fun" game to play with me. No matter if I have been laying down for an hour before actually falling asleep, baby has found that right before I fall asleep if he/she kicks that I will instantly wake up. Feeling baby moving is so amazing and I love it, so if I'm feeling kicks or movements, there's just no way that I'm going to sleep :). I'd say that this happens at least every other night. Otherwise, baby seems to be becoming more and more active all the time. David's hand seems to calm the baby down, but mine sure has no influence on the baby whatsoever! I love watching David's face when he gets to feel the baby.. I can't wait to see him with the baby once it's here!
There's really not much else in news.. I'm still extremely excited to find out if we'll be having a little boy or girl at some point. We've started looking at all sorts of baby gear and I think that's making us more anxious to have this little baby in about 4 months. Oi, I can't believe there's still so long to go!
My belly feels like it's filling out, though I don't think it shows in pictures (you can judge for yourself). Here's the 22 week photo..
Yor belly looks no bigger to me! Cute, though!