Saturday, January 28, 2012

Back to Finland

Well, it's been a while since I have posted on here, but I figured that this would be the best place to announce that we will most likely be heading back to Finland in a couple of months. David is already back in Finland (and has been for 3+ weeks), but will return mid-February for about a month. After that, assuming everything is in order, Kyler and I will be flying back with him. Although it is hard to move away from family, especially now that he's been with us here for a while, moving back is the best option for our family. David's job is great and his employer is being extremely generous and helpful in getting us back over there and really, we don't have many other options as we have plenty of bills we need to pay - especially after we get Kyler's final hospital and doctor's bills.

For family in KC, if you'd like to come by and visit Kyler, you are welcome to as long as you are in good health :p. We'd love for everyone to really get to meet him before we move so far away again. Just send me a message on Facebook or something and we'll get something figured out!

Kyler is doing great - growing so quickly and learning new things almost every day! He's been a great baby so far.. hardly ever cries and minus a few little quirks he's pretty easy-going. Currently, he is going anywhere between 4 and 6 hours at night (usually it's towards the longer end when I give in and cuddle with him in bed), which is great in my mind. Since he was premature, they usually use his "adjusted age" for development and other milestones, so according to that, he's only about 5 weeks. If you consider that, he is very ahead of his age as he tracks objects well, responds to stimulation with smiles and giggles, holds his head up well, does his "mini push-ups" during tummy time, makes noises (coos and other such cute sounds) and even puts his full weight on his legs (which he's done for almost a month now!). Obviously he does other things too, but those are the biggies that I can think of and I don't want to bore you with my ridiculously long list of everything Kyler can do :p.

David gets to see him on Skype a few times every day, but it's extremely hard for him to be away from his little boy. I'm hanging in there and gaining even more respect for single mothers as well as military wives who have children. This certainly isn't how we planned for things to go, but we're doing our best to roll with it but we can't wait to all be together again!

Again, message me on facebook or shoot me an email at and we'll figure out a good time if you'd like to come hang out with the little dude before we leave in a couple of months!