Saturday, November 26, 2011

Introducing Kyler Aaron Rhodes!

As most already know, at 9:16am on 11/20, little Kyler Aaron decided to join this world (over a month before his due date). He weighed in at a very healthy 5lb 10oz and was 19 inches long.

Right after I got all cleaned up in the operating room (and the only time that he's been without any wires, tubes, etc. so far)
As you can probably tell from the photo, he was born via c-section. At about 9pm, while putting the sheets on his crib, my water began to leak though I thought nothing of it at the time and just assumed that he had simply made my bladder leak. Just before going to bed at 2am, I felt more leaking and realized that it probably wasn't just my bladder so I called the doctor and was instructed to go to the hospital where they'd test the fluid and find out if it was urine or amniotic fluid. I was pretty sure that it was amniotic fluid, but due to how early it was, I was kind of hoping that it wasn't. I arrived at the hospital at 4am where they promptly tested the fluid to find out that it was amniotic fluid and then they put me on the monitors and told me that more than likely they'd either let me labor progress or induce it if I wasn't progressing on my own. Needless to say, I was in quite a bit of shock and had to call David to break the news that he wouldn't be able to be there for the birth of his son. About that time, they brought the sonogram machine in to check his position which ended up telling us that he was feet first. The doctor gave me a few options - try to turn him (which could hurt both him and me since the fluid level was low due to my water breaking and he wasn't just butt first, but rather feet first), have a c-section at approximately 8:00am, or delay a c-section and risk infection to both baby and me so that David could possibly be there. David, my mom, the doctor and I all agreed that it was in the best interest of the baby and me to go ahead and do the c-section. The surgery went well, though Kyler sure wasn't making it easy for the doctor to get him out and at 9:16am, Kyler was welcomed into this world and began crying his little lungs out. Hearing him was absolutely magical and the moment I heard him, I knew my life had just changed forever! They brought him over so I could see him (after what seemed like an eternity) and then he was taken up to the NICU where he's been ever since.

On Sunday night, I finally got to go see him and I got on Skype so that David could see him as well. It was great to finally really see him, but I was in quite a bit of pain and it was really hard to see my son hooked up to so many machines and with an oxygen hood over his head. David flew in on Monday and got to the hospital shortly after 6:00pm. My pain got better with each day and we were able to at least put our hands on Kyler, but it wasn't until today (11/25) that both David and I finally got to hold him. I was also given the opportunity to breast feed and I'm happy to report that Kyler is a natural! Prior to today, I was giving the nurses in the NICU the milk that I have been pumping and he's been fed using a feeding tube that they put down his nose and into his stomach. With each day, he seems to be improving and we're hopeful that we'll be able to bring him home soon!

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, gifts, etc. - we really appreciate your support and can't wait for everyone to finally meet our little blessing, Kyler Aaron! As far as visiting him goes - nobody is allowed to visit without either David or me present nor is anyone other than us allowed to hold him. I know there are a few people who would love to see him, but due to him being premature and requiring a stay in the NICU, it's just not really practical. We really apologize for this and thank you for your understanding.. many of  you will probably meet him very soon anyhow!

Tanning aka photo-therapy for jaundice

Reach for the stars :p

Wanting to get up and go hold my son so bad..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

34 weeks belly!

Just because Gina is cute. :)

Gina really wanted in on the pictures.

..and I'm only gonna get bigger. Oi!

Baby Rhodes is 34 weeks!

Today was another routine appointment and everything looked fine. My fundal height is right on (if not a bit high), baby's head appears to be down, and his little heart is beating away at 140bpm. Baby is still very active though he's definitely not doing any flips anymore thanks to being so cramped. He certainly knows how to make me feel uncomfortable though with his kicks to the bladder and diaphragm. Despite that, I am already so in love with this little guy and can't wait to meet him whenever he decides to make his appearance.

This past weekend was my baby shower and I'd like to thank everyone who was there or sent their best wishes for our little baby Rhodes. So far this week I have been busy getting the nursery ready for the arrival of our little guy. There are still a couple of art projects left, but I've mostly been focusing on getting his sheets and clothes washed, bottles sterilized, etc. Although decorating is fun, it isn't quite as important as just getting everything ready for his arrival.

I know I promised a belly photo last week, but I really will get one up here (possibly as early as tonight). On another note, after this next appointment in two weeks, I'll be seeing the doctor every week which means there are only 2 appointments left that David will be missing! I can't wait until he can join me!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

33 weeks down, 7 to go!

Well, there's not much new to report this week. Baby is as active as ever and really has some strong karate moves going on. With it being November, I've started playing him some nice instrumental Christmas music which he seems to love. Sometimes I think I feel him moving to the beat of the music and reacting when the music gets loud or the instrumental sound changes which is so cool!

Unfortunately for me, I think this may be the last week or so that I'm able to wear my wedding rings - as if I needed more reason for people to think that I'm a single, teenage mom :p. If I am active at all, I find that I pay for it later with back pain and swelling of the feet and hands - occasionally even my sciatic nerve decides to join in on the fun. I suppose when I think about it and realize that my body is carrying 30+ more pounds than it's used to it all makes sense though.

With David not here, I've been putting off taking a birthing class of any sort, but I think I will probably give in and at least go to the free one that NKCH gives. There's one there on December 10th that David will be here for (he'll probably be back on December 2nd), but who knows, this little guy may not wait that long to join this world.

The art projects for the nursery are officially underway, though I'm still at a loss for how to complete one of them. Several of my Austin friends are great artists and I wish they were here to help me out, but considering the cost of shipping something as large as I want, it just isn't practical.

I think that about covers it. This weekend is my baby shower and I couldn't be more excited!! I wish that all of my Austin friends could make it up, but I know they'll be there in spirit (and I look forward to seeing all of you soon, I hope!). I look forward to seeing those awesome folks that are able to make it on Saturday, though!